Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Inequalities Of Lung Cancer Prevalence On Terms Of...
The scientific community in the twentieth century has seen a dramatic expansion in medicine and public health. Through these expansions, it is noted that health outcomes are affected not only by biological factors, but also by the disparities that individuals face due to the occupancy of opposite ends of the social spectrum. Such health inequalities are applicable to smoking-related health issues like lung cancer. The aim of this essay is to describe the inequalities in lung cancer prevalence in terms of socioeconomic status. The four explanations will be used to explain the existence of the inequalities behind this health issue. Smoking is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. The exposure to tobacco smoking negatively impacts the health of an individual over time by increasing the risks of developing diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems (Ministry of Health, 2005). In particular, smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. With repeated exposure, inhalation of tobacco into the lungs causes a build up of tar, altering lung tissue (Cockerham, 2007; Marmot and Wilkinson, 2006). This direct use of tobacco accounts for the death of 5 million people around the world. In the United States, 444,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking, were 13 years of life lost for a male smoker and 14.5 years lost for a female (Cockerham, 2007; WHO, 2012). In New Zealand, tobacco use is the main cause of preventable death, contributing to around 4600 deathsShow MoreRelatedSmoking Is The Primary Cause Of Preventable Diseases Essay1978 Words  | 8 Pagesconditions, ranging from cancers in the respiratory tract and cardiovascular diseases to psychiatric disorders (Kuper, Adami Boffetta, 2002). Smoking is found to be disproportionately more prevalent among the disadvantaged individuals in society (Marmot Wilkinson, 2006). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Technology for Youth †Boon or Bane Free Essays
Technolgy has revolutionized the human existence. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science and technology. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of man has been influenced by it. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology for Youth – Boon or Bane or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has made man’s life happier and more comfortable. Agriculture, business, transport, communication and medicine to name a few are all highly indebted to the wonders, science has produced. We have become scientifically more advanced from our ancestors.This is because the world has undergone a tremendous change because of the rapid strides made by the science and technology. Anything, which has advantages, has disadvantages also and this holds truth in case of technology as well. Nowadays, if we have to reserve a seat in a railway comportment we need not go to the railway booking counter, we can do this just through the Internet by E-Reservation system. Similarly, if we have to send a message to anyone, instead of sending a conventional letter we can send an e-mail.Telephones and mobile phones are so commonly being used by us that it has become difficult now to image life without them. All this, I feel, is enough for us to realize that technology has entered into our day-to-day life. Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. The growth of fast modes of transport and communication has changed the world into global village. In the field of agriculture, science and technology has helped in increasing the crop production and improving quality.Science has enabled man to diagnose and treat many dangerous diseases. Information technology and computers have revolutionized our life-styles. But, the boon of science, in many cases, has been turned into bane because of its misuse. Science has posed a threat to the very existence of mankind with weapons-nuclear, biological, atomic, chemical etc. Cyber crime is the latest addition to crimes’ list. Misapplication of science has brought mankind to the path of destruction. We should use science to get its blessings and not misuse it to make it a curse.Advantages : Internet provides one of the greatest benefits when it is used to provide educational opportunities for students based on their abilities and interests. Any lesson can become more motivating, exciting, and memorable for a student when it is aided with audio-video information from the internet. Brain research shows that individuals remember events and facts in more detail for a longer period of time if there are emotions involved in the initial learning experience.Therefore the Internet can increase the emotional impact of lessons and make learning interesting, fun and meaningful to students. When students gain experience learning for the pure joy of learning, their emotional interest, intrinsic motivation, and hunger for knowledge also increases The internet is a powerful resource for learning as well as an efficient means of communication. E-mail, chatting etc. have given a new way to discuss, impart and spread education through internet communication.Its use in education provides a number of specific learning benefits like independent learning, development of research skills, access to resources etc. The internet is a huge bank of learning material. It keeps on expanding the resources available to students beyond the standard print materials found in school libraries. It gives students access to the latest reports on government and non-government websites which include research material, scientific and artistic resources in museums and art galleries and other organisations with information applicable to student learning. One of the main advantages of the internet is that it a time-efficient tool for teachers which has the possibility of curriculum development by incorporating internet-based activities into mainstream literacy programs and bringing diversity to their teaching strategies. Disadvantages : Risky chatting in chat rooms dedicated to teenagers another problem area. Paedophiles often frequent chat rooms where they know children and teens will spend much of their time. A real life meeting with such might lead to abduction, rape, torture or even murderPast studies have shown a change in social trend where teenagers are rejecting real relationships and friendships for cyber relationships. This can have several unforeseen implications. Internet has increasingly become a way to escape problems or relieve negative mood, which is not a good solution. Traditional methods of dealing with such problems are proper, effective and reliable way. Though the Internet is a treasure of information but not all of it is beneficial for the betterment of the society. Some information like a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a pipe bomb can lead to serious consequences both for the culprit and the public.The Internet also exposes children with inaccurate information from unreliable sites and confuses students by exposing them to con world of Advertisers who have one aim and that is to sell their products. This leads to misinterpretation of facts and unwise judgements. Not everything on Internet is accurate or legit. The answer to ‘Whether technology is Boon or Bane is Debatable’ and just like all the other advancements in technology, we have to accept the two sides of the same coin. The Technogy can and will be used for good or bad. How to cite Technology for Youth – Boon or Bane, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Crossing Researcher Public Boundaries †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Crossing Researcher Public Boundaries. Answer: Introduction In relation to the dilemma in business ethics of Mac Donald, the article provides with a brief review on the codes and norms of business ethics. The subject is about the illegal usage of computers at work places. The security administrator was in charge of the duty to provide weekly reports showing the web pages accused by employees. The usage of unethical websites not mentioned to the employees earlier. As per the official documents, those using these websites will not be able to continue their work in the company. Ethical dilemma of the Mac Donald Company The employees of the company use unauthorized websites during the office hours. This is the reason for ethical dilemma. The company should take actions against unethical business practices (Dzombak, 2017). It includes the dignity, value and respect for being an employee in the organization (Ferguson, Thornley and Gibb, 2016). There are various regulations in the ACS code of ethics. Public interest- Personal interest should not conflict with work at the work place. Quality and standard of living- Use of proper codes and business ethics creates better living standards. This value system also enhance in the improvement of the life style for those affected due to work. competition- It includes the sincere competitive attribute for the stakeholders and the organization by following business ethics. Honesty and loyalty- There must be complete loyalty and honesty at the work place while delivering the work. Professional development- It includes increase in the growth of ones career in a corporate world. Being professional - It involves the values to be complete professional in the organization. ACS code of professional conduct After being the member of ACS, it provides dignity and honor to the respective professional body (Thomas, Duessel and Meier 2017). It includes the following laws and codes followed and maintained for a good business ethics and standards. The interest of the public always kept above the personal and business interests. It should not coincide with the work and office (Kuespert 2017). Increase in the standard and quality life for those who get affect due to work. Business ethics creates quality life. It includes honesty and loyalty in terms of knowledge, talent and skills for the desired services. There must be utmost loyalty at the workplace. It includes diligent factor among stakeholders of the company and the competitive strength. It means use of expertise to raise the production and competition level when required for the benefit of the business. It helps to increase integrity at the business and the organization in terms of complete professionalism. ACS code aims at individual functioning with the respective job designations in the corporate world. Use of business ethics and laws solve the organization issues and dilemmas. Business ethics is involved in proper use of business plans and policies in handling the issues and unlawful practice occurs in the organization. Therefore, there must be proper awareness in relation to company guidelines for all the employees in order to avoid unethical business practices. References Dzombak, D.A., 2017. Crossing Researcher-Public Boundaries.Environmental science technology,51(3), pp.1057-1057. Ferguson, S., Thornley, C. and Gibb, F., 2016. Beyond codes of ethics: how library and information professionals navigate ethical dilemmas in a complex and dynamic information environment.International Journal of Information Management,36(4), pp.543-556. Kuespert, D.R., 2017. Safety and ethics in ACS and major scientific and engineering societies: A gap analysis.Journal of Chemical Health and Safety. Thomas, G., Duessel, P. and Meier, M., 2017. Ethical Issues Of User Behavioral Analysis Through Machine Learning.Journal of Information System Security,13(1).
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