Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Business and Corporations Law Good Faith in Contract
Question: Examine about the Business and Corporations Law for Good Faith in Contract. Answer: Which means of thought A thought is the value which is specified by a promisor in return of his promise.A contract is viewed as legitimate just when there is an appropriate thought in the agreement (Johnstone2013). On account of Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Co Ltd v Selfridge Co Ltd, Lord Dunedin characterized thought as follows: A demonstration or avoidance of one gathering, or the guarantee thereof, is the cost for which the guarantee of the other is purchased, and the guarantee thusgiven for esteem is enforceable. (Turner2014). A guarantee which needs thought isn't considered as a substantial promise.4Thus, thought is fundamental to an understanding and an understanding without a thought is void.However, in specific conditions, an agreement might be viewed as legitimate even without an appropriate thought. Such subtleties need not be expressed here in this current task (Taskar 2015). 1 an) In the moment case, Jack has acknowledged to purchase a Lotus Super 7 games vehicle from Jane.The understanding has anyway been gone into with no thought. Case law: Milroy versus Lord For this situation, Mr Medley has executed a deed for moving certain bank partakes for a trust.However, there was no thought referenced in the deed and the name of the trust had additionally been enlisted in the register of the bank.4Mr Medley passed on afterwards.The individual delegate of Mr Medley contended that the deed couldn't be implemented in light of the fact that it came up short on an appropriate consideration.According to him, the exchange was an uncompleted blessing and in this way the equivalent ought not be permitted to be authorized. The dispute of the individual delegate of Mr Medley was acknowledged in the Court and it was held that the deed was void because of absence of legitimate thought (Siu2015). Along these lines, a guarantee with an aim to do a needless demonstration was can't be authorized in a Court of law (Hoand Lee2013) In the moment case likewise, the understanding among Jane and Jack for the offer of the vehicle does not have an appropriate thought. However, there has been an offer and acknowledgment in the moment case, yet the understanding can't be authorized because of need of an appropriate consideration.4It implies if Jane denies to offer the vehicle to Jack in future, Jack will have no legitimate option to move the Court and uphold the understanding. Thusly, in the current case, the understanding doesn't tie the gatherings lawfully. b) In the moment case Jack has acknowledged an offer made by Jane for the offer of her Lotus Super 7 games vehicle. The sum for which the vehicle is implied to be sold is $25000. The inquiry to be resolved for the situation is whether the measure of $25,000 is a decent thought and whether it ties the gatherings legitimately. It is basic to investigate the nature and necessity of thought to decide if the thought is a decent thought or not. Presently, thought might be anything specified by the promisor.7Consideration could possibly be in a financial form.4It may likewise be as a demonstration done by the promisee or as a restraint with respect to the promisee.1As for instance, a thought which requires a promisee to stop going to night clubs will be viewed as a decent consideration.This is a model where a promisee is required to keep away from accomplishing something. So also a thought which requires a promisee to concentrate each Sunday evening will be viewed as a decent thought. This is a model where the promisee is required to do a go about as a thought for the guarantee (Hoand Lee2013) For the situation of Dunton versus Dunton, it was held that surrendering an opportunity would establish great thought (McKendrick2014). On account of Wigan versus Edwards, it was held that surrendering a lawful right would comprise great thought (Carter 2014) For the situation of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co, a carbolic smoke ball was delivered by the organization to keep people from contracting ailments like flu. The organization reported that it would give a measure of 100 pounds to any individual who gets influenza considerably in the wake of utilizing the smoke ball. Mrs Carill utilized such ball delivered by the organization as indicated by the heading given by the organization yet at the same time got this season's flu virus (Mahdi et al., 2013). It was held that the burden endured by Mrs Carill in utilizing the smoke ball was a decent thought and along these lines the organization was obligated to pay the compensation to Mrs Carill (Strong2014). In the moment case, the thought specified by Jane for the offer of her vehicle is $25000.8The showcase estimation of the vehicle is likewise $25000.3It implies that Jane would get a similar sum on the off chance that she decides to offer the vehicle to any other individual other than Jack.Thus, the thought fixed under the agreement in the moment case is in term of cash and has been specified by the dealer. Such sum has likewise been consented to be paid by the buyer. Henceforth, it will be viewed as acceptable thought and the gatherings will be legitimately limited by the particulars of the agreement. Along these lines, jack has a lawful option to implement the agreement if Jane will not offer the vehicle to him in future. 1c) In the moment case, Jack has acknowledged an offer made by Jane for selling her Lotus Super 7 games car.The thought sum fixed by Jane for the offer of the vehicle is $2500.The case includes the assurance of the inquiry whether the thought of $2500 is substantial to tie the gatherings lawfully into the agreement. Presently, an understanding so as to be a decent thought should be sure and not deceptive. Case law: Biotechnology Australia Pty Ltd v Pace For this situation, Pace went into a business contract with Biotechnology. Under the conditions of the work contract, Jane was permitted to take an interest in the value sharing plan of the ranking staff of the company.However, no such plan was in presence when the agreement hosts been gone into between the gatherings (Goldberger2012). It was held that the thought specified in the agreement was fanciful and dubious and thus the understanding was not permitted to be authorized (Carter2013). 1A thought need not be sufficient so as to be a decent consideration.A thought might be of negligible worth and still it might tie the gatherings in a lawful understanding. On account of Mountford versus Scott, a thought measure of 1for the acquisition of a land was viewed as a decent thought and the understanding was viewed as a legitimate understanding (Furmston et al. 2012). Validating an agreement with a negligible thought is to offer opportunity to the gatherings to decide the estimation of consideration.1It is certainly not a necessary that the thought ought to be fixed by the market estimation of the item (Hillman2012). In situations where the thought is deficient or inadequate, the factor which the Court may think about is whether the gatherings were in a similar haggling position when the agreement has been gone into. On the off chance that the Court discovers that there has been an unconscionable deal in an agreement, the Court may put aside such agreement. In the moment case, the thought is just $2500 where as the market estimation of the vehicle is $25000.3The thought has been specified by the dealer and it has been willfully acknowledged by the buyer.None of the gatherings has applied weight or impact on the other to acknowledge the particulars of the understanding. Deliberate assent hosts been given by both the gatherings and henceforth the understanding will be legitimate and the gatherings will be lawfully limited by the details of the understanding. In the moment case, North Ocean Tankers went into an agreement with a shipbuilder, who was required to build a tanker.A sanction concurrence with a third has just been gone into by North Ocean Tankers and thus the big hauler should be conveyed on schedule. The thought sum fixed for the work is in US $.The contract didn't accommodate any change in the money. The development work was begun by the shipbuilder and as it was being built, out of nowhere a cheapening of US $ by 10% occurred. The shipbuilder requested an additional measure of US $3 million for finish of the work.The request of the shipbuilder was acknowledged by the North Ocean Tankers hesitantly under dissent as there was no other choice left for the North Ocean Tankers. The North Ocean Tanker tries to recuperate the abundance sum paid nine months after the conveyance of the big hauler. The realities of the moment case is to some degree like that of North Ocean Shipping Co Ltd. vs.Hyundai Construction Co and another.In this case likewise an understanding was gone into between Hyundai another (litigants) and North Ocean Shipping Co Ltd (offended parties) for the development of a tanker.10The respondents were required to build a big hauler under the agreement.3The thought fixed under the agreement was in US $ and it was to be paid in five instalments.The respondents opened a letter of credit to make sure about the installment of the portions if there should be an occurrence of any default.1As soon as the primary portion was paid, the US $ was depreciated by 10%.A danger was given by the respondents that they would avoid proceeding with the work if their interest isn't satisfied. In the interim, a favorable understanding had been gone into by the offended parties for contracting the big hauler. The interest was acknowledged by the offended parties and the respondents w ere mentioned to build the letter of credit. The offended parties brought an activity against the respondents for the recuperation of the abundance sum paid eight months after the conveyance of the big hauler (Burrows2015). The offended parties contended in the Court that the understanding ought to be announced void on the ground that the understanding came up short on a legitimate thought or the understanding ought to be pronounced voidable on the ground that the understanding has been gone into during monetary pressure (O'Sullivanand Hilliard2016). The main conflict of the offended party was dismissed by the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Object and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds
Protest and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Hashtag: #HDPyasambildirgesi (HDP Declaration of Life) Protest and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Non-acknowledgment of the privilege to upright protest is a suffering and exceptionally dubious issue in Turkey and as of late, HDP (Haklarm Demokratik Partisi), the country’s driving resistance vowed to sanction it if their competitors win the June 2015 parliamentary political race. Scrupulous complaint or CO as indicated by UN Commission on Human Rights is the privilege of each person to protest on grounds of still, small voice however various states, for example, Turkey are reluctant to remember it as a significant human right. Soul or our feeling of right or wrong is basically the center highlights of a person’s good and otherworldly character. Typically, individuals declined investment or association in something since it is against their good and strict principles. For model, a few people would pass on war in view of their profoundly inserted good, moral, or strict conviction that executing another person isn't right. Note that individual code, political, sociological, philosophical, mental, and other sober minded reasons are not acknowledged the reason for a reliable protest. Understudies at open or government-financed tuition based schools are allowed to go to religion classes however they can likewise decide not to and practice their entitlement to scrupulous complaint on good or strict grounds. The option to protest is likewise appropriate to a tremendous scope of issues, for example, vow taking, necessary devoted activities, school educational plans, and others that might be effectively conceded due schools’ commitment to fulfill its impartiality commitment. For example, a student’s protesting on a socially fair-minded and race separating educational program might be permitted to quit or exclude him from course necessities. Be that as it may, like upright issue with military help, custom work on, living course of action, and others, the complaint made on good or strict grounds should breeze through the assessment of genuineness. Need to know more? Go here: Womens Right to Education Calming Students School-Related Stressâ Creating Students Creativity and Self-Expression Smoking in Public Places Should Be Banned The Misdemeanors of Well-Educated People in Public Office Testing the Sincerity of the Conscience Most instructive foundations have formal approaches allowing understudies at all levels to practice their entitlement to faithful complaint. In clinical schools, for example, understudies are permitted to utilize choices if testing of certain research center creatures, for example, mice, hound, felines, bunnies, and others damages their still, small voice. In the United States, the privilege to reliable issue with analyzation in instructive ventures is ensured by law and school strategies approving educators to participate and build up a satisfactory option with their understudies. The privilege to faithful protest is conceivably helpless against misuse, for example, maintaining a strategic distance from the laborious preparing and risk related with military assistance. It is, in this way, important to discover whether the complaint is really founded on inner voice as opposed to individual code or theory throughout everyday life. An understudy practicing the privilege to faithful protest and quitting strict training class should unmistakably exhibit that going to such class disregards their heart. For example, the privilege might be allowed if the understudy is an individual from another strict gathering or irrefutable proof of a strict conviction that getting strict instructing other than their own minister or cleric is a wrongdoing. Likewise, a student’s reliable protest on racially segregating and socially unprejudiced educational plan must be joined by solid conviction or evidence of true and significant and suffering conviction that is conflicting to that of the educational plan.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Real Life Research
Real Life Research Real Life Research Home›Research Posts›Real Life Research Research Posts1. How else might the decision-making information have been gathered besides ethnographics?For decisions to be made the researcher must be very well informed on what is going on in the field. This means that he can use social scientific strategies other than ethnographics which include Epistemology and research strategies and Ontology and research strategies. This will depend on whether the research is qualitative or quantitative (Kottak, 2005).2. What are the disadvantages to Glad if they only used ethnographics?The major disadvantage of ethnographics is the high reliance on the observation of the observer and interpretations (Fine, 1993). This is risky because the researcher may have some bias on some issues leading to biased results hence misguided decision making.Another major disadvantage is its inability to validate the researchers or observers results or conclusions (Fine, 1993). This is so because th ere is very little numerical data provided if any.In addition, it is close to impossible to eliminate the researchers’ bias since he may have reservations (Fine, 1993).Generalizing the results will not be possible in view of the fact that ethnography considers a single situation; this leaves ambiguity in the study (Fine, 1993).3. Could this research have been done using virtual reality? Why or why not?Yes. This is because virtual reality provides for mimicking of the real situation which can be done in this case. By creating a virtual environment then it will represent the real situation hence derive the deductions expected in decision making (Burdea, Coffet, 2003). This situation will simulate how people deal with their trash.4. Could the location of the ethnographic research influence the research outcome? Explain.Yes. This is because if the researcher goes to a place with a unique character then he/she will observe the characteristic and hence include it in the research; in fa ct this trait may not necessarily be a characteristic of the whole population (Kottak, 2005).
Friday, May 22, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Inglorious Fruits And...
Americans tend to have standards for the food we eat. For example, it must be clean, the right size, and not bruised just to name a few. Yet, we all waste food daily as if it were meaningless to us. However, if we saw someone kill an animal and just leave it without making the most of it, it’s considered a cruel and possibly even a criminal act. So I am asking you what is the difference, if there is one? France launched an advertising campaign that was created by Intermarchà ©, entitled â€Å"The Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables†. I chose this particular video because it utilizes many, if not all of the rhetorical tools. In this rhetorical analysis we will take an in-depth look at the rhetorical appeals, the triangle, and the canons that this advertising campaign forgoes. Intermarchà © is the third largest supermarket chain in France. They support their argument with statistics to begin with. Later, they conduct an experiment that they filmed with the unwanted fruits and vegetables. A grocery store gave the â€Å"Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables†their own aisle and marked the prices 30% off. In order to prove to consumers that these fruits and vegetables are no different than the â€Å"perfect†ones, they created soups and drinks out of them for taste testing. There was an average of 1.2 tons sold during the first two days of just imperfect fruits and vegetables. These results show that previously, consumers were judging based on outside appearances, when they could have been enjoying the
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Essay on Drowning in Guilt Review of The Kite Runner
â€Å"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do,†Voltaire once said. Every choice in life comes with a consequence that follows. A common consequence is guilt, a bad feeling caused by knowing or thinking that you have done something wrong. Amir, the main character in The Kite Runner, discovers the consequence of guilt after making decisions throughout his childhood that were destructive. Khaled Hosseini describes the destructive ability of guilt to consume one’s life through the the relationships of Amir and Hassan, Baba and Ali, and Amir and Sohrab. The guilt that Amir feels due to his destroyed relationship with Hassan haunts him throughout his entire life. First, Hosseini uses the scene of Hassan’s rape as a haunting source of†¦show more content†¦Like a harelip†(297). This scar that will forever be a part of Amir reminds him of Hassan who has a scar from his surgery Baba gives him shortly before their friendship is ruined. As Amir’s life goes on, he is troubled by the guilt that consumes his life from destroying his and Hassan’s relationship. Guilt is established through the relationship of Baba and Ali by showing the betrayal of a close friend. One way to reveal the guilt in Baba and Ali’s relationship is through the power that guilt has to make one feel the need to redeem oneself. This is shown through Baba after betraying Ali. Early in the novel, Amir iss describing how good of a person Baba is and includes building an orphanage in Kabul (13). This selfless action is one of the ways Baba tries to redeem himself from his sins he commits in the past and covers up his guilt. Another way to reveal the guilt in Baba and Ali’s relationship is through the symbolism of Baba getting a plastic surgeon to fix Hassan’s cleft lip for his birthday (45). The importance of the plastic surgery is shown through Baba’s effort to fix the flaws in his and Ali’s relationship that he has created when he has an affair with Sanaubar. This birthday gift given by Baba symbolizes the effort to repair a broken b ond and is directly toward the result of the betrayal and sin Baba committed: Hassan. The final way to reveal the guilt in Baba and Ali’s relationship is through the ability guilt
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
MEMO strategy Free Essays
This memo explains the strategy that I will apply to implement the communication situation of the case 5. Audience The audience for the message is the immediate superior, and therefore it is more effective to use memo to communicate with him or her. The reason is because memo is more formal and less personal than a letter or email. We will write a custom essay sample on MEMO strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is able to create the semblance of a valid business concern based on data and studies as opposed to a letter, be it hand or type written, which conveys sentiments and passion and is not regarded as authoritative. Purpose The general purpose of the message is to persuade. In order to be able to do this effectively, it must be shown that there is a valid business concern that needs to be addressed. The use of a memo, as mentioned earlier, gives the appearance of official correspondence devoid of any feelings and sentiments, which are usually not considered when making business decisions. Associated essay: Sample Memo for Company Team Building In order to convince the superior, there is a need to downplay personal convictions while at the same time express this as a valid business concern that is normally addressed in day to day business matters. Therefore, memo is the most often used means of accomplishing this in any corporate structure. Content The general tone that must be used in this memo is a formal business tone. The superior needs to understand the relevance of the matter in relation to business and company performance. This is why a business tone, which avoids conversational language, must be used. Structure Finally, since this will be addressed to a superior, the memo must avoid a direct and confrontational approach while maintaining its authoritativeness.  Before beginning, a buffer can be used to improve the way the superior will handle the situation and perhaps be able to get the desired outcome. The first few sentences should already outline the problem that will be faced and the potential cost, which helps get the boss’s attention. By the end, it must be made clear to the boss what action must be taken. The memo must also take care as not to appear as if it is attacking the superior or severely criticizing his decision and this can be achieved by adding a buffer at the beginning. Based on the analysis of this communication situation, I will use a memo as an effective medium to solve this case. To:                Brad Pitt, Executive Director From:           Hayeon Jung, Project Head Date:             November 13, 2006 Subject:       Extended Warranties and Sales training We have recently received news which may be vital to the profitability of our extended warranty sales and after a careful study of our proposed actions regarding the sales training program for extended warranties, I believe that it may be in our best interests to come up with an alternative approach regarding this matter. Based on my studies, this has the potential to be very risky move for the company because of the lower sales of all company products due to the anticipated consumer backlash to this marketing strategy. Business Week, a widely read business magazine, is publishing an article on extended warranties, and it makes specific mention of the fact that half of the warranty price goes to the salesperson as a commission and that only 20 percent of the total amount customers pay for warranties eventually goes to product repair. Early failures are usu ally covered by manufacturers’ warranties, and the extended warranties we are selling are designed to cover that middle part of the life span. In other words, many extended warranties cover the period of time during which consumers are least likely to need them and offer no coverage when consumers need them most. While extended warranties present profitable margins for the company, the resulting consumer backlash from this article could potentially reduce sales for all of the company’s products. With the current sales training lined up, more aggressive marketing for extended warranties will send the wrong signal to the consumers. Furthermore, the potential threat of added media exposure caused by the article in Business Week could threaten the sales projections for the company. It is strongly recommended that the plan to continue the sales training be ceased. Doing so will reduce any overhead costs and training expenses that may be incurred from the implementation of the training program. Moreover, alternative marketing strategies such as using the Business Week article to the advantage of the company can be formulated instead of the sales training. I strongly believe that our company has a great future under your leadership as we continually explore ways to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the company. Hayeon jung Customer Service Manager How to cite MEMO strategy, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Most Famous Tv Shows in America free essay sample
Through the years there have been many television shows but not all of them are favorites and the most watched. There are a lot of types of TV shows but some of the most watched are, Romance, Comedy, and Drama/Suspense TV shows. There are series, seasons, themes, and much more; these are the things that directors combine to make any type of TV show. There can be a lot of shows but the one that are the Most watched TV shows in America are the ones that have these combinations; in making the best TV shows in what ever topic it maybe. The Most Famous TV shows in America are the ones that will make you sit in the corner of your sofa waiting for what will happen next. Romance is a theme that almost everybody loves to watch. It is mostly the female viewer the ones that watch them most than the male viewers . We will write a custom essay sample on The Most Famous Tv Shows in America or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In every house in America a member of the family has at least one favorite TV show about romance it is something that every one love to watch. Some of the most famous romance TV series are; Once Upon a Time, Drop Dead Diva, How I Meet Your Mother, The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl and much more. There are so many shows out there that are amazing and all of them have themes that are alike, I never want to lose you, happily ever after, young love, and much more. There also has to be a little bit of comedy. Comedy is one of my favorites; the ones that families mostly like to watch together are the most famous comedy TV Shows in America. These are Americas Most Funniest Videos, George Lopez, That’s 70’s Show, The Simpsons, and much more. These are the ones that make you laugh when you’re sad or you did not have a good day at work and that you know that when you get home you will go and watch your favorite comedy show. We love them till the end just like the Drama/Suspense TV shows. Drama/ Suspense these TV shows are amazing they are most intriguing with all these interesting things that are going to happen in the suspense or when there’s something very important that is about to happen ,it goes on a commercial or the show ends. You get all worked up because you couldn’t see what was going to happen next. The most famous TV Shows about Drama /Suspense are Lost, Pretty Little Liars, Law Order, White Collar, Suits, The Lying Game and much more. These shows are incredibly awesome and we somehow related to them; because sometime the situations that occur in our lives happening to you are also happening in the series. All these TV shows are categorized by themes, content and appropriate age classification. These are watched by us which means that we are the ones that make the show the most watched. Every year when a new TV show airs live the theme in some cases there is a theme the intrigues us. The producers and the directors create for us to see the most watched TV Show in America. We decide on what we want to watch. That does not mean we choose the same shows all the time. The entertainment world has to bring something new and fresh so that we do not get bored. That means that we don’t have a specific list of the most famous TV Shows in America forever. We may have it by year or seasons but in time this will change. Your favorite TV show is not the same one as your neighbors or your Best Friend some of these shows will stay the most watched for a very long time, shows change year by year because we change we mature year by year and what was funny last year may not be funny now. That’s why the Most Famous Shows in America change.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Road to Success Essay
Road to Success Essay Road to Success Essay My long term goals are set in stone, but the road after high school was a challenge in my early high school years, many friends telling me where they are going, and asking me the question â€Å"what are you going to do after high school†. It finally hit me in the beginning of my senior year when I realized I have to do something other then sit around at school. I know I will be attending college, the harder question is where. I have met with my counselor and my parents about what I am going to do after high school, followed up on my financial aid, checked out various colleges. I have come to realize that what I have been doing in high school may not be what I plan on doing the rest of my life. I have been doing some recent research on the medical fields, and it seems that this may be a high category of what I might want to go to college for. I have learned that through hard work and a strong mental focus, you can succeed in anything. People always dread about what they are goi ng to do with their life, but I have to look at it from a different point of view, I mean when you were a kid it was all about money, but when it comes to doing it your whole life, it’s about what you love to do the most. My post high school plans are attending Blue Mountain community college or Columbia Basin for the first year or two to knock out my Associates Degree. My family has always said I was the smart one, so I want to prove to my family that I can do something better then the ordinary low paying job. Right now there is nothing stopping me from going to college, so therefore I am not worried about what I am going to do, people change their majors all the time, it just comes to show that people end up doing what they love most, and after doing research I feel the most comfortable with studying in the medical field. We never stop learning, each day we learn something new. I want to use the tools I have learned in high school to help me with my medical field study. Peo ple say I am very caring and quiet, which I think would be good in the medical field
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How Salt Melts Ice and Prevents Water From Freezing
How Salt Melts Ice and Prevents Water From Freezing Salt melts ice essentially because adding salt lowers the freezing point of the water. How does this melt ice? Well, it doesnt, unless there is a little water available with the ice. The good news is you dont need a pool of water to achieve the effect. Ice typically is coated with a thin film of liquid water, which is all it takes. Pure water freezes at 32 °F (0 °C). Water with salt (or any other substance in it) will freeze at some lower temperature. Just how low this temperature will be depends on the de-icing agent. If you put salt on ice in a situation where the temperature will never get up to the new freezing point of the salt-water solution, you wont see any benefit. For example, tossing table salt (sodium chloride) onto ice when its 0 °F wont do anything more than coat the ice with a layer of salt. On the other hand, if you put the same salt on ice at 15 °F, the salt will be able to prevent melting ice from re-freezing. Magnesium chloride works down to 5 °F while calcium chloride works down to -20 °F. Key Takeaways: How Salt Melts Ice Salt melts ice and helps keep water from re-freezing by lowering the freezing point of water. This phenomenon is called freezing point depression.Salt only helps if there is a little bit of liquid water available. The salt has to dissolve into its ions in order to work.Different types of salt are used as de-icing agents. The more particles (ions) formed when a salt dissolves, the more it lowers freezing point. How It Works Salt (NaCl) dissolves into its ions in water, Na and Cl-. The ions diffuse throughout the water and block the water molecules from getting close enough together and in the right orientation to organize into the solid form (ice). Ice absorbs energy from its surroundings to undergo the phase transition from solid to liquid. This could cause pure water to re-freeze, but the salt in the water prevents it from turning into ice. However, the water gets colder than it was. The temperature can drop below the freezing point of pure water. Adding any impurity to a liquid lowers its freezing point. The nature of the compound does not matter, but the number of particles it breaks into in the liquid is important. The more particles that are produced, the greater the freezing point depression. So, dissolving sugar in water also lowers the freezing point of water. Sugar simply dissolves into single sugar molecules, so its effect on freezing point is less than you would get adding an equal amount of salt, which breaks into two particles. Salts that break into more particles, like magnesium chloride (MgCl2) have an even greater effect on freezing point. Magnesium chloride dissolves into three ions one magnesium cation and two chloride anions. On the flip side, adding a tiny amount of insoluble particulates can actually help water freeze at a higher temperature. While there is a bit of freezing point depression, its localized near the particles. The particles act as nucleation sites that allow for ice formation. This is the premise behind the formation of snowflakes in clouds and how ski resorts make snow when its slightly warming than freezing. Use Salt to Melt Ice - Activities You can demonstrate the effect of freezing point depression yourself, even if you dont have an icy sidewalk handy. One way is to make your own ice cream in a baggie, where adding salt to water produces a mixture so cold it can freeze your treat.If you just want to see an example of how cold ice plus salt can get, mix 33 ounces of salt with 100 ounces of crushed ice or snow. Be careful! The mixture will be about -6 °F (-21 °C), which is cold enough to give you frostbite if you hold it too long.Gain a better understanding of freezing point depression by examining the effect of dissolving different substances in water and noting the temperature required to freeze it. Good examples of substances to compare are table salt (sodium chloride), calcium chloride, and sugar. See if you can dissolve equal masses of each substance in the water in order to get a fair comparison. Sodium chloride breaks into two ions in water. Calcium chloride forms three ions in water. Sugar dissolves in water, but it doesnt break into any ions. All of these substances will lower the freezing point of water. Take the experiment a step further by exploring boiling point elevation, another colligative property of matter. Adding sugar, salt, or calcium chloride will change the temperature at which water boils. Is the effect measurable?
Monday, February 17, 2020
Employee Motivation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Employee Motivation - Term Paper Example As such a firm therefore can take advantage of the diversified base of employees to better tap into the local knowledge and better equip themselves to face the challenges in the market. Promoting diversity therefore can effectively provide organizations a competitive advantage in terms of having a diversified workforce. One of the key benefits of the diversity therefore is that organizations can tap into the local knowledge and therefore can allow the flourishing of innovativeness and creativity within the organization. However, diversity can be difficult to manage due to cultural differences between the employees. The traditional hierarchy of the management within organizations therefore may not be able to completely comprehend the challenges posed by a rich cultural diversity within the organization. As such diversity can also result into the creation of different power structures within the organization based on ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the employees. For example, it may be difficult for a manager to manage employees belonging to different ethnic and cultural groups owing to the fact that the manager may be unaware of the cultural norms and practices of different groups of employees.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Differences between the US and German Corporate Governance Systems Essay - 22
Differences between the US and German Corporate Governance Systems - Essay Example In contrast, German corporate governance code is the medium that determines the corporate issues in Germany. Â Unlike US law the German corporate system emphasis on protecting the creditors, and gives freedom for accumulating indirect reserves. Another notable feature is that in the German system, accounts are calculated in monetary terms instead of book values. On the contrary, US government permits organizations to create shareholders and to exert their own management control. Moreover, in the US, Sarbanes Oxley Act emphasize on individual responsibilities of CEOs and CFOs; whereas, German corporate governance gives importance to collective responsibility. Â Regardless of the dissimilar business environment, Law Daimler and Chrysler have rather collectively dealt with the common issues by designing policies to operate their business efficiently. They strategically evaluate the business concerns and formulate further plans to meet challenges that are associated with the variance in business cultures. Their formula emphasizes on the submission of DC balance sheet that the whole company has to be committed to. Individuals like the CEO, CFO, and Chairman also come under the ambit of certain obligations. Also, the company has applied cascade signing system in its business operations. Daimler and Chrysler have given more weight to collective and individual responsibility in management concerns. Â Law Daimler and Chrysler could have initiated some researchers on the major corporate issues to identify the essential areas of strategic change. It should focus on other competitors for learning how they handle the issues related to organizational convergence. In addition, the company might have explored new potential regions for business expansion to overcome the legal barriers in their domestic market.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Study Of Solubility Equilibrium Biology Essay
Study Of Solubility Equilibrium Biology Essay The solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate in water and it dependence of temperature were investigated in this experiment. The solubility product constant was determined at different temperature through acid-base titration against NaOH. A linear graph was obtained by plotting ln Ksp against 1/T and positive correlation between temperatures and solubility product constant was observed. This study concluded that solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate is dependent only on temperature. Introduction The aim of this experiment is to investigate the solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate in water and it dependence on temperature. Solubility is often defined the amount of substance required in obtaining a saturated solution. Therefore, only a small amount of potassium hydrogen tartrate (KHC4H4O6) is needed to produce a saturated solution as it has limited solubility in water. In the saturated solution, the rate of the dissociation of the solid is the same as the rate of the aqueous ions forming the solid compound; the solution is known to be at equilibrium. The equilibrium equation for KHC4H4O6 in the solution can be written as: The constant for the equilibrium equation can be expressed as: Ksp = [K+] [HC4H4O6-]. This constant is also known as the solubility product constant (Ksp) which has a fixed value for a given system at constant temperature. Thus, by finding out the concentration of the ions dissolved, the solubility product constant for KHC4H4O6 can be determined. From the equation above, the dissociation of KHC4H4O6 will produce equal amount of potassium ions (K+) and hydrogen tartrate ions (HC4H4O6-). Thus, by obtaining the concentration of one of the ions, the concentration of the other ion can be derived and the solubility product constant can be calculated. As HC4H4O6- behaves like a weak acid, its concentration can be determined by acid-base titration using NaOH, a strong base as the titrant, with phenolphthalein as the indicator. As NaOH and HC4H4O6- react with each other in 1:1 ratio, the amount of NaOH used in the titration will be equal to the amount of HC4H4O6- present in the solution. While Ksp is fixed at a certain condition, changes in temperature will affect the value of Ksp. According to the vant hoff equation, the value of Ksp is related to the change in Gibbs free energy and can be expressed as: From the equation, the solubility product constant depends on three variables which are the change in enthalpy, the change in entropy and the temperature. The change in entropy and enthalpy with respect to temperature were stated to be insignificant due to the similar heat capacities of the product and reactants. This suggests a linear trend between the remaining variable and Ksp [1]. Therefore, a graph of natural logarithm of Ksp versus the reciprocal of temperature can be plot which the gradient of the graph can be used to calculate the enthalpy change and the y-intercept for the entropy change. Thus, the relationship between Ksp and temperature can be observed. Experimental Procedure Dried KHC8H4O4 (0.5002 g) was prepared in a 250 mL conical flask with the help of an analytical balance. Deionized water (25.0 mL) was added into the flask and a standard solution of KHC8H4O4 was obtained. The prepared solution was then titrated against an unknown concentration of NaOH to the endpoint, with phenolphthalein as the indicator. The volume of NaOH used was recorded. The entire procedure was then repeated with different masses KHC8H4O4 (0.5039 g, 0.5033 g). The concentration of the NaOH was calculated from the volume of NaOH used and tabulated in Table 1. A saturated KHC4H4O6 solution was prepared by adding one gram of KHC8H4O4 into a 250 mL conical flask, containing 100.0 mL of deionized water. The flask was swirled for five minutes and put to rest with occasional swirling for another five minutes at room temperature. At the end of ten minutes, the solution was then filtered and the supernatant was collected in a dry 250 mL conical flask. Concurrently, the temperature of the solution in the filter funnel was recorded. Two portions of 25.0 mL of the filtered solution were then pipetted into two separate 250 mL conical flasks. The two solutions were titrated against the 0.7070M NaOH solution to the endpoint, with phenolphthalein as the indicator. The volume of the NaOH used was recorded. The procedure was then repeated for different temperatures. For temperature above room temperature, a hot water bath was prepared in a one litre beaker on a hotplate stirrer. The saturated KHC4H4O6 solution was prepared in the same way but was placed in a hot water bath with constant stirring, using a stir bar. The solution was put aside with occasional monitoring until a constant temperature was observed. Next, the solution was decanted in small amount into a dry conical flask. The temperature of the solution in the filter funnel was recorded concurrently. Three portions of 25.0 mL of the filtered solution were then pipetted into three separate 250 mL conical flasks. For temperature below room temperature, an ice-water bath was prepared in a one litre beaker. The solution was also prepared in the same way as the previous procedure and was placed into the ice-water bath. The solution was cooled until the solution stabilized at a certain temperature. The solution was then filtered and the temperature of the solution in the filter funnel was recorded. Three portions of 25.0 mL of the filtered solution were then pipetted into three separate 250 mL conical flasks similar to the above room temperature setup. The six solutions were then placed aside for it to return to room temperature and then titrated against the standardized NaOH. The solutions were titrated the same way as the titration done at room temperature. The volume of NaOH used was recorded for the different solutions were recorded. The average volume of NaOH used for the same temperature was then calculated and tabulated in Table 2. Data Treatment and Analysis The calculations of [HC4H4O6-], [K+] and Ksp at 302.15K: [NaOH] = 7.070 x 10-2 mol L-1 Amount of NaOH used = (7.070 x 10-2 mol L-1) (1.2825 x 10-2 L) = 9.067 x 10-4 mol Amount of HC4H4O6- = Amount of NaOH used = 9.067 x 10-4 mol [HC4H4O6-] = [K+] = 9.067 x 10-4 / (0.0250 L) = 3.63 x 10-2 mol L-1 Ksp = [K+] [HC4H4O6-] = (3.63 x 10-2 mol L-1)2 = 1.32 x 10-3 The calculated value of [K+], [HC4H4O6-] and Ksp were tabulated into the table below: Table 2: Determination of Ksp of KHC4H4O6 at different temperature Temperature / K Average Vol. of NaOH used / L Amount of NaOH used / mol [HC4H4O6-] / mol L-1 [K+] / mol L-1 Kspof KHC4H4O6 285.15 7.4750 x 10-3 5.327 x 10-4 2.13 x 10-2 2.13 x 10-2 4.54 x 10-4 294.15 1.0075 x 10-2 7.180 x 10-4 2.87 x 10-2 2.87 x 10-2 8.25 x 10-4 302.15 1.2825 x 10-2 9.067 x 10-4 3.63 x 10-2 3.63 x 10-2 1.32 x 10-3 309.15 1.6375 x 10-2 1.158 x 10-3 4.63 x 10-2 4.63 x 10-2 2.14 x 10-3 320.15 2.2375 x 10-2 1.582 x 10-3 6.33 x 10-2 6.33 x 10-2 4.00 x 10-3 Based on the temperature and Ksp value obtained in Table 1, values of 1/T and ln Ksp were calculated and tabulated in Table 3. A graph was plotted based on the values: Figure 1: Graph of Ksp versus 1/T From Figure 1, the gradient and y-intercept was obtained as shown in Table 4. The enthalpy change and entropy change was calculated based on the vant hoff equation: Gradient = (/ R) = -5692.06 Standard deviation of gradient: Â ± 99.87 = (-5692.06 x 8.314) Â ± (99.87 x 8.314) = (47.32 Â ± 0.83) kJ K-1 mol-1 Y-intercept = (/ R) = 12.25 Â ± 0.33 Standard deviation of Y-intercept = Â ± 0.33 = (12.25 x 8.314) Â ± (0.33 x 8.314) = (101.85 Â ± 2.74) J K-1 mol-1 The standard error of regression was found to be 0.0295. (Number of measurements = 6, Degree of Freedom = 4) Results and Discussion From the data obtained, the calculated values of and were (47.3 Â ± 0.83) kJ K-1 mol-1 and (101.85 Â ± 2.74) J K-1 mol-1 respectively. Ksp of KHC4H4O6 was found to be 1.32 x 10-3 at 302.15K. It was observed that a linear graph was obtained upon plotting ln Ksp against the reciprocal of T. The increase in temperature was also found to correlate with the increase of Ksp values. The literature Ksp value for KHC4H4O6 is 3.8 x 10-4 at 291.15K. [2] The approximated Ksp value that corresponds to 291.15k based on experimental data was calculated to be 6.755 x 10-4 as shown in the Appendices. Linear Relationship between T and Ksp Based on figure 1, a linear model was observed between the reciprocal of T and the natural logarithm of Ksp. This was supported by the R-square value of 0.99 which greatly suggests a linear trend from the experimental data plotted. The standard error of regression obtained from the experiment was found to be 0.0295, which indicates a good fit among the experimental values obtained, corresponding to a good precision of the experimental data. Thus from the linear trend, the claim of insignificant changes of enthalpy and entropy due to temperature changes was valid. Therefore, the assumption that the value of Ksp is dependent only on temperature at which the dissolution occurs can be established. Comparison of Literature values The estimated Ksp value based on experimental data was 6.755 x 10-4 at 291.15K and was found to be 43.75% higher than the literature value (3.8 x 10-4) [2]. The difference could be accounted to the limitation of this experiment. As the experiment was carried out in different temperature, one of the limitations was due to the apparatus used. The volumetric glass pipette used was calibrated at 20 , thus at other temperature, expansion or contraction might occur leading to the inaccurate volume transferred for titration after the filtering process. Another source of error was noted to be the temperature fluctuation during the filtering process. Although the solution were decant in small portions to minimize errors, rapid increase of the temperature for the cold temperature reading was observed. This corresponds to the increase in the ions concentration dissolved in the solution, thus resulting in a higher value of Ksp. Despite the percentage difference of 43.75%, the difference between both values was actually small due to the fact that the Ksp of KHC4H4O6 is a very small value. When the uncertainty of the enthalpy change and entropy change was taken into account, the experimental Ksp value was assumed to be between 3.446 x 10-4 and 1.324 x 10-3(Refer to Appendices). The literature value was noted to be within this range, thus the experimental data do agree with the theoretical value of KHC4H4O6. Change of Enthalpy and Entropy The change of enthalpy from the reaction was found to be (47.3 Â ± 0.83) kJ K-1 mol-1. The positive enthalpy change means that the dissolution of KHC4H4O6 was an endothermic process where heat was absorbed during the process. This was expected as the dissolution breaks up the stronger ionic bonds within KHC4H4O6 and weaker bonds between the water molecules and the ions was formed. These resulted in a positive net change for enthalpy for the reaction, which is consistent with the positive enthalpy change derived from the experimental data. The change of entropy was found to be (101.85 Â ± 2.74) J K-1 mol-1. As entropy was often defined as a measure of disorder, the positive entropy can be explained with the increased disorder brought about when the when KHC4H4O6 dissolved into ions. As the value of enthalpy change was much larger than the entropy change, in order to get a larger value of ln K based on the vant hoff equation, higher temperature was required. This coincide with high temperature favors endothermic process such as dissolution of KHC4H4O6, thus it can be concluded that temperature have a positive correlation with Ksp. Conclusion Ksp have a linear relationship with temperature for KHC4H4O6. The temperature dependent of enthalpy change and entropy change was found to be insignificant for the dissolution of KHC4H4O6. As dissolution is an endothermic process, temperature has a positive correlation with Ksp, thus higher temperature allow more KHC4H4O6 to dissolve. This concluded that solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate is dependent only on temperature.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Nature Reactive Architecture – Water Research Centre
Nature Reactive Architecture – Water Research Centre 001.jpg"/> Abstraction In the procedure of Reconstruction of damaged environmental systems the human activity that chiefly causes the harm is overlooked. This attack consequences in superficial solutions which normally fail in the long tally. The chief aim of this thesis is to happen new attacks of environmental solutions through architectural intercession which would reenforce both human and environmental activity and besides achieve spacial reawakening of such barrens. For this intent the theoretical constructs of a boundary line presented by Lebbeus Woods will be used to suggest a alone architectural intercession particular to the marginal status. The features of boundary line conditions are built-in at the Bankss of Rawal Lake. The adult male made reservoir is being threatened by unbridled development engendering near its Bankss. The job of sewerage being disposed straight into the lake has surfaced. The imbibing H2O modesty is quickly being polluted and similar human activity is damaging the environmental systems of the country. The lake has a great potency for development of new and bing systems. For this intent a H2O research Centre is being proposed for the site which will besides integrate plans that will be developed from the systems working on the site. Keywords:Borderline, Ecotones, Water Architecture, Hybrid Architecture, Integration of Systems Terminology Ecotone:Anecotoneis a passage country between two biomes. It is where two communities meet and incorporate. It may be narrow or broad, and it may be local ( the zone between a field and forest ) or regional ( the passage between wood and grassland ecosystems ) . Graves, R. ( 2011 ) . Ecotone. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.eoearth.org/view/article/152345 Boundary line:Borderline is the natural infinite for transmutation, where systems of all sorts collide and abrade, as the universe breaks up, non into pandemonium, but instead into new forms of order. ( Woods 1998, 35 ) Table of contents Cover pagei Abstract two Terminologyiii Chapter One 1 IntroductionTheoretical ConceptsSite Description2 Thesis Statement 3 Aims 4 Rationale 5 Scope 6 Strategic Plan Chapter two 7 Research and Research Methodology 7.1 research stages 7.2 research scheme 7.2.1. Research Topic choice 7.2.2. Literature reappraisal 7.2.3. Conceptual model 7.2.4. Research inquiries 7.2.5. Required information 7.2.6. Research scheme 8 site 8.1. Site choice standards and impact 8.2. Site survey Bibliography 1 Introduction Harmonizing to Tadao Ando: â€Å"The presence of architecture: regardless of its self-contained character – necessarily creates a new landscape. This implies the necessity of detecting the architecture which the site itself is seeking†. The undertaking will research the possibility of mixing nature and architecture which will ensue a intercrossed solution for a landscape which has lost its character of infinite and clip. Every landscape requires a alone architecture that suits its being and which reinforces its built-in character. In the instance of the Bankss of Rawal Lake, the area’s whole being and character is based upon its multiple marginal conditions. 1.1 Theoretical constructs â€Å"The natural infinite for this transmutation is the boundary line, where systems of all sorts collide and abrade, as the universe breaks up, non into pandemonium, but instead into new forms of order†( Woods 1998, 35 ) The undermentioned thesis description will use the word boundary line as was defined and explained by Lebbeus Woods. The boundary line identifies the bing status when the superimposition of assorted systems takes topographic point, responding and clashing to supply a new landscape ( Woods, 30 ) . These systems emerge from a broad scope of human and biological activity, they can be anything from societal conditions to ecological and biological conditions and more specifically trade with environmental phenomena, disused or turning substructure, and fluctuating economic activity. It is apparent in the biological phenomena such as cell membrane and ecotones that most of the growing and development occurs in the boundary line conditions. Such infinites are a natural land for transmutation and version with interacting systems. These overlying systems create landscapes that can incubate architectural redefinition and crave an architectural idea or as suggested by Forests,provides the evidences for the development of a new ‘mode of culture.’ This thought has generated the cardinal thesis proposition. By designation of overlying systems and an appropriate reaction, new antiphonal architectural typology can emerge. Basically the thesis challenges the traditional attack of architectural intercessions in the instance of an interesting boundary line scene. The purpose is to research new originative responses to overlying conditions in countries which do non by and large welcome development. In other words, an architecture that non merely embraces overlapping systems but enhances their being. This will be achieved after comprehensive research of the systems the chosen site embodies. 1.2 Site Description The boundary line under scrutiny for the thesis exists at the Bankss of Rawal dike in Islamabad. The bank is a boundary line of two ecotones ( H2O and land ) and besides it lies at the urban periphery of Islamabad and is a average land between planned and unplanned development. Rawal Lake is an unreal lake constructed in 1960s. It is one of the two chief H2O beginnings for the duplicate metropoliss of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The H2O is fed into the lake through Korang River and natural watercourses emerging from the Margallas. It serves as the chief beginning of imbibing in add-on it besides beginnings H2O to the nearby agricultural land. However what is of greater involvement sing this thesis is the clashing systems bing on its Bankss, some triggered by human colony and activity and some ensuing from evolutionary procedures. The unreal reservoir has become a great supplier of life in the part. It is a sanctuary for legion ecological systems and has become a survival land for the vegetations and zoologies of the country. It has besides facilitated diverse human activity. Its Bankss are today being used for recreational activity which is bring forthing noteworthy economic growing. With recent outgrowth of unbridled building the job of sewerage disposal into the lake has arisen. Sing that it serves as the chief supply of imbibing H2O of Rawalpindi, it is a serious concern. Taking these parametric quantities in consideration, the undertaking will develop within the interplay of human activity and environmental system tied with the H2O of the reservoir. 2 Statement Spatial reawakening at the Bankss of Rawal Lake through development of a new architectural typology from interacting systems. 2.1 Sub statement: Borderline is a natural infinite for transmutation. It hosts covering systems and have great originative potency. An ecotone is an illustration of a state of affairs where different systems collide. From these superimposed systems a H2O research Centre will emerge with plans derived from interacting systems, composed of a filter house and a life park for worlds and wildlife. 3 Aims The thesis aims to accomplish the aims set out below:Development of an architectural typology which integrates and emphasizes the relationship between natural and human systems on the Bankss of Rawal LakeSpatial reawakening of the country associated with Rawal Lake through societal, economic and environmental upheavalProposing new systems to heighten the bing substructureCreate an architectural typology which may direct hereafter development tendencies4 Rationale Rawal Lake has become a great supplier of life within the bounds of its being. It is a sanctuary for legion ecological systems and has become a survival land for the vegetations and zoologies of the country. It has besides facilitated diverse human activity. Its Bankss are today being used for recreational activity which is bring forthing noteworthy economic growing. It besides has the potency of bring forthing electricity. With recent outgrowth of unbridled building the job of sewerage disposal into the lake as arisen. Sing that it serves as the chief supply of imbibing H2O of the country, it is a serious concern. Its place and map can show great chances of development which can travel beyond the map of merely diversion. It exists on the urban periphery of Islamabad and can supply interesting province of personal businesss mediated in planned and unplanned development. 5 Scope The range of work outlined for the undertaking is as follows:The undertaking will see the full entity of the lake. Different ecological and human systems associated with the H2O organic structure will be considered, but the proposed architectural solutions will be confined to the country of the selected site. The undertaking will non research the urban impact of the solution. It will bring forth a paradigm of an architecture that enhances and regulates the environmental systems of Rawal lake6 Strategic Plan Bibliography Forests, Lebbeus, and Ekkehard Rehfeld, eds. , Borderline. New York: Springer Wien, 1998. Groat, Linda and David Wang. Architectural Research Methods ( 2002 ) McKloskey, Francis, â€Å" Borderline- Part 5 †( 2014 ) .Senior Theses.Paper 206. hypertext transfer protocol: //surface.syr.edu/architecture_theses/206 I
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Venezuelan Media Censorship Essay - 1375 Words
Media censorship destroys the necessary objective journalism of a country and disturbs the freedom of expression of all citizens as well as the democracy of the country itself. There are many countries in the world whose governments impose such censorship in order to prevent information contrary to their beliefs to be known. The question is: how far would a government go to silence so many voices? Venezuela should be a democratic country with freedom of expression as its constitution states. The government should not violate the law by preventing the media from announcing news that all citizens and the rest of the world need to know regarding to what is happening in Venezuela everyday. It is commonly known that all citizens should have the†¦show more content†¦Consequently, the real question is, if the president of the country and the attorney general commit these serious violations to the law by censoring citizens to express him or herself, what would prevent the citizens from disrespecting the constitution as well? As mentioned before, people in charge of the Venezuelan government have made so many violations to the law and human rights that it alarmed several international organizations. To illustrate, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights received several reports and petitions in the past years in order to protect human rights violated by the government (Brewer-Carà as, 2010 p.386-387). Some examples of those violations are attacks to freedom of expression by closing TV channels and radio stations, and numerous physical attacks to journalists from the opposition. In fact, Venezuelan human rights have suffered in the past decade as never before, calling attention to several establishments to protect human rights as the example mentioned above. However, others might argue the distortion of this freedom of expression law by explaining that some news reports are not informed accurately. As Brewer-Carà as states, â€Å"the problem with this law is the definition of the â€Å"official†truth and the rejection of any other possible truth†(2010, p.153). Therefore, the view some people might argue in regard to freedom ofShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Writing1044 Words  | 5 PagesAsia†reviewed by the instructor, I started one of the sentences with â€Å"However, the amount and pattern †¦Ã¢â‚¬ in order to connect this new sentence to my previous one by showing contrast. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Who Is Eduardo San Juan, Designer of the Lunar Rover
Mechanical engineer Eduardo San Juan (aka The Space Junkman) worked on the team that invented the Lunar Rover, or Moon Buggy. San Juan is considered the primary designer of the Lunar Rover. He was also the designer of the Articulated Wheel System. Prior to the Apollo program, San Juan worked on the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). First Use of the Moon Buggy In 1971, the Moon Buggy was first used during the Apollo 12 landing to explore the moon. The Lunar Rover was a battery-powered, four-wheeled rover also used on the moon in the last three missions of the American Apollo program (15, 16, and 17) during 1971 and 1972. The Lunar Rover was transported to the moon on the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) and, once unpacked on the surface, could carry one or two astronauts, their equipment, and lunar samples. The three LRVs remain on the moon. What Is a Moon Buggy Anyway? The Moon Buggy weighed 460 pounds and was designed to hold a payload of 1,080 pounds. The frame was 10 feet long with a wheelbase of 7.5 feet. The vehicle was 3.6 feet tall. The frame was made of aluminum alloy tubing welded assemblies and consisted of a three-part chassis that was hinged in the center so it could be folded up and hung in the Lunar Module Quadrant 1 bay. It had two side-by-side foldable seats made of tubular aluminum with nylon webbing and aluminum floor panels. An armrest was mounted between the seats, and each seat had adjustable footrests and a Velcro-fastened seat belt. A large mesh dish antenna was mounted on a mast on the front center of the rover. The suspension consisted of a double horizontal wishbone with upper and lower torsion bars and a damper unit between the chassis and upper wishbone. Eduardo San Juans Education and Awards Eduardo San Juan graduated from Mapua Institute of Technology. He then studied nuclear engineering at the University of Washington. In 1978, San Juan received one of the Ten Outstanding Men (TOM) awards in science and technology. On a Personal Note Elisabeth San Juan, the proud daughter of Eduardo San Juan, had the following to say about her father: When my father submitted the conceptual design for the Lunar Rover he submitted it via Brown Engineering, a company owned by Lady Bird Johnson. During the final test demonstration to select one design from various submissions, his was the only one that worked. Thus, his design won the NASA Contract. His overall concept and design of the Articulated Wheel System was considered brilliant. Each wheel appendage was mounted not underneath the vehicle, but was placed outside the body of the vehicle, and each was motorized. Wheels could work independently of the others. It was designed to negotiate crater ingress and egress. The other vehicles did not make it into or out of the test crater. Our father, Eduardo San Juan, was a very positively-charged creative who enjoyed a healthy sense of humor.
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